A poem about being English by Hameen Markar
Photo by Oleg Magni from Pexels
A riposte to 'Can I be English?'
English - To be or not to be
1. I have learnt to talk of the weather
Whenever we meet or get together
I even changed from coffee to tea
To be English is what I want to be!
2. Bragging and boasting are things of the past
That is not the English way, I learnt very fast
Even started gardening and planting trees
To be English is all I want to be!
3. Emotional control and the stiff upper lip
These one must develop and get a grip
Queue jumping is banned almost by decree
To be English I yearn to be!
4. Never talk of money or how much I earn
These are typical English ways I have learnt
Mind your own business and keep your privacy
If English is what you want to be!
5. Rules should be obeyed at all times
When at fault one must pay their fines
Honesty is a must - always the English way
For English is what I want to be!
6. Lived in England for over forty years
Learnt all about the English from my peers
And now I know that English I ought to be
But for a few the skin colour means not to be!
7. So much from the English I have learnt
All my old ways I have burnt
I am now old, content and mature
With my skin colour I feel so very secure!
Hameen Markar
This poem is a counter -blog to Jayantha's blog, found here