Black Magic of "Kalu mallie" from New Zealand
seeing with my eyes you see, that’s not me
hearing with my ears you hear, that’s not me
smelling with my nose you smell, that’s not me
taste with my tongue you taste, that’s not me
touch with my body you touch, that’s not me
thoughts are yours they are not mine
I am your slave, you are the master
yet, you trick me to believe, I am the master
but you keep me in a cave, a prisoner myself
the day you let me free, I will reveal thee, the magician
Now I am free, I follow your every move
I stand on a balcony, stand over you
where you perform to fools
now I can see, how you fool
how eye sees a flower, it can only see colour
here is how you defraud you pull it out of your load
you deceive the fools, saying it’s a flower
knowing it’s the colour the eye sees
yet you convince the fools it’s the flower they see
knowing it’s the colour eye sees
I can see from top, how you deceive the lot
now I am free, I see it forever
peeping through the window, I see rain drops drop
greeting from the floor, I see bubbles form
no sooner they are borne, they pop and go
from where they come, to where they go
I tussle in my mind to unravel the puzzle
who says it’s a bubble, it’s another puzzle
it’s another puzzle, for me it’s trouble
I see only a shape, a shape of a dome
a shape is there, a dome has never been there
dome has been in the mind
a shape is there, a bubble has never been there
bubble has been in the mind
here is how you defraud you pull it out of your load
no more tricks, now I am free, I can see
B G Upananda